Sunday, December 15th. The Second Week of Advent where we are celebrating PEACE.
"With your very own hands you formed me; now breathe your wisdom over me." PSALM 119:73 THE MESSAGE
In the presence of birth, we are caught up in mystery. We respond with awe. Why? We can explain the process of birth. We know all the physiological and genetic details. But none of our explanations accounts for the awe.
In the presence of birth we are at the source of life. . . . Here is mystery, but a mystery of light not darkness, full of goodness, brimming with blessing. Every birth powerfully recalls us to this source: we have our origins in someone other than ourselves, and greater than ourselves.
(Eugene H. Peterson, Where Your Treasure Is)
This devotional is taken from Jesus, Light of the World and is available to download for free" target="_blank">here.
Otherwise, enjoy it here.