Christian Impact Ministries
Impacting a Generation for Christ
Praying for the Nations
This week's prayer for the nations will focus on the nation of PAKISTAN.
All information was taken from Operation World. Additional information on for this country is here.
Continent: Asia
Capital City: Islamabad
Government: Federal Republic
Population: 204,924,861
Major People Groups: Punjab 44.7%, Pashtan 15.4%, Sindhi 14.1%, Sariaki 8.4%, Mahajirs 7.6%, Balochi 3.6%, other 6.3%
Religion: Muslim 96.4%, other 3.6%
Language: Punjab, Sindhi, Saraiki, Pashto, Urdu, Balochi, Hindko, Brahui, English, Burushaski
GDP Per Capita: $5,400
Literacy Rate: 57.9%
Pray for the spiritually oppressed in remote areas to encounter the Gospel.
Pray for the Church to multiply in the power of the Spirit as persecution intensifies.
Pray for the strongholds of Islamist extremism and terrorism to be demolished and rendered powerless.