Christian Impact Ministries
Impacting a Generation for Christ
Praying for the Nations
This week's prayer for the nations will focus on the nation of CURACAO.
All information was taken from Operation World. Additional information on for this country is here.
Continent: North America
Capital City: Willemstad
Government: Parliamentary
Population: 149,648
Major People Groups: Afro-Caribbean majority; Dutch, French, Latin American, East Asian, South Asian,
Jewish minorities (no percentages available)
Religion: Roman Catholic 80.1%, Protestant 11.2%, Unreligious 4.6%, Other 4.1%
Language: Papiamentu, Dutch, Spanish, English, Other
GDP Per Capita: $15,000
Literacy Rate: 96.3%
Pray for vibrant, growing churches to permeate the island.
Pray for increased production of Christian literature in the Papiemento language.
Pray for authentic relationships with the living Christ among nominal Christians.