Christian Impact Ministries
Impacting a Generation for Christ
Praying for the Nations
This week's prayer for the nations will focus on the nation of CUBA.
All information was taken from Operation World. Additional information on for this country is here.
Continent: North America
Capital City: Havana
Government: Communist State
Population: 11,147,407
Major People Groups: Hispanic 98%, Asian 1%,
other 1%
Religion: Christian 56.53%, Non 25.01%, Ethno 18%
Language: Spanish
GDP Per Capita: $10,200
Literacy Rate: 99.8%
Pray for growing numbers of house churches to affect the grip of communism.
Pray for more Bibles and other Christian resources to be made available to this thirsting nation.
Pray for evangelism and discipleship of Cuban expatriates around the world.